This massage is thai style that involves stretching and deep massage. No oil is used to perform thai massage. This form of body work is usually performed on the floor and the client wears comfortable clothes which allows for easy movement. It is literally the ancient manner of massage.
This massage is thai style that involves stretching and deep massage. No oil is used to perform thai massage. This form of body work is usually performed on the floor and the client wears comfortable clothes which allows for easy movement. It is literally the ancient manner of massage.
If you feel stressed and tired, and you need to get your energy back, try our Combination massage. This massage is extremely popular with customers, We prefer to provide a traditional Thai massage first, which involves stretching to help bold circulation, and firm strong massage.
If you feel stressed and tired, and you need to get your energy back, try our Combination massage. This massage is extremely popular with customers, We prefer to provide a traditional Thai massage first, which involves stretching to help bold circulation, and firm strong massage.